Welcome to Boonieslife.com – a site by outdoor lover, for outdoor lovers.

Hi, I’m Seth Baxter, and I’ve been living the Boonies Life since I was two years old – hunting, fishing, and exploring the great outdoors. Inspired by my own experiences and outdoor adventures, Boonies Life is a way for me to share my love of the outdoors and help you make the most of your outdoor adventures.
At Boonies Life, we like to keep things simple. Our mission is to help you get outdoors, not spend hours on a computer searching for the best outdoor products and gear. We do all the in-depth product research and scour the online reviews so you don’t have to. We weed through the garbage to bring you the very best products and outdoor gear you need to enjoy the outdoors.
When we release one of our buying guides, you can be confident that we’ve reviewed and researched dozens of different products so that you can know you’re getting the best of the best – trusting your outdoor equipment is critical for making the most of your outdoor adventures.

Our contributor team is made up of outdoorsmen and women who have spent years using and testing various products and outdoor equipment, and we rely on their expertise to help us review and suggest only the very best to you.
When you purchase your outdoor equipment through the links on our website, we make a small commission at no cost to you that helps us to continue to serve you with updated reviews and recommendations.
Want to know when we release an updated guide or new recommendation list? Sign up for our free email newsletters, and we’ll deliver the best outdoor gear recommendations directly to your email inbox!
P.S. Have a specific piece of outdoor equipment you’d like us to research and make a list of the best options? Use our contact form to let us know!