You will find this to be one of the ultimate apps for the coastal fisherman. There is nothing like it on the market. There is not even a book that can do what this app does. Not only will the avid saltwater fisherman find the Pro Angler app highly effective but so too will the beachgoer. Just think about the delight the average vacationer could get from knowing exactly what fish are biting and the best way to catch them. Pro Angler App app gives you all that information and more.
Main Features of Pro Angler App
⇒ Imagine a fishing application that would allow you to search for any coastal state in the nation and find out all about what is happening in the water there. This is exactly how the Pro Angler app works. It’s much deeper than just that but that is how the app opens.
⇒ Upon searching a state, you are faced with several regions in that state for fishing. These can be areas for inshore, nearshore or offshore fishing. Some areas contain opportunities for each. If you drill down on a certain region you will find a full overview of conditions that are affecting the region. You can consider the future or just discover today’s weather, tides, winds, bait shops, boat launches, and marinas. It even features the lunar cycle.
⇒ You can also search for the region by fish. So, if you are after bluefish you will have the ability to search that region specifically for fish and it will give you all the information you could want on bluefish in the area. It’s filled with tips and hints as well as information on regulations that are unique to the state and region you have selected.
⇒ There is also an essentials section in the Pro Angler app that can be tailored to things like licenses, rigs and lures, and even how-to videos.
User Experience
Splash Screen, Tips & On-boarding – Rating: 2.5/5
- Pro Angler app takes too long to load the first time.
- The splash screen is consistent with the brand but keeps the user waiting for no specific reason.
Home screen & Navigation – Rating: 2.5/5
- Pro Angler app logo is used subtly and sparingly.
- Menu drawer is not used to display settings, home menu items…
- The main menu is only accessible from the home page.
- Primary content and functionality are not
on-screen by default.
Sign-up, Sign-in & Permissions – Rating: 4/5
- Doesn’t provide non-signed-in journey.
- User sign-up for the app is quick but the benefit statements are not compelling.
- The first-time user has multiple sign-up options.
Content & Design – Rating: 3/5
- Users can’t discover new content easily. The app takes too long to upload new content.
- The visual design engages and enhances the
user experience.
Usability Hygiene – Rating: 3/5
- Content is not accessible when the user has no internet connection.
- Primary call-to-action buttons are persistently visible.
- Do not ask users to rate the app too soon after downloading it.
What I Liked The Most?
♣ Search by Fish
Listen, there is a lot to like about the Pro Angler app. You will find a myriad of resources to make your next fishing trip a hit. To me, the most impressive part of the app was not just searching regionally but the functionality that allows you to search by fish.
The menu features an option to search by a certain fish. This function also has a filter that allows you not only to search for snapper but you can also search by which fish are in season. This is an incredible option for people who are on the beach on day trips or vacations. To know what’s in a season where you are and how to catch it is so important.
♣ Regulations, Bag Limits, and Rules
Not only that but this fish based search also offers you state regulations, bag limits and rules for fishing for that species. Again, as a committed saltwater angler, you may know this info but when you head into a different area you will want this information hand and Pro Angler puts it all in your pocket.
You are simply not going to find an app that can do all of this and give you the ability to drill down on each fish. I am guessing the app pulls some of its information directly from fish and game sites across the nation. That is the only way they could stay up to date on things like bag limits per day.
The bag limit tells you how many fish you can bring home per day, depending on the type of fish you are searching for. There are lofty fines for breaking these laws.

What I Liked The Least?
Θ Tailored to Saltwater Only
I am a freshwater fisherman and what I would like to see is an addition to the app for those who fish freshwater as well. This app is called Pro Angler but it is exclusively tailored to the saltwater angler. The app is highly functional and aside from a short loading period when you choose a region it works flawlessly.
I would have preferred a few options for the angler who likes to get after largemouth bass or even trout in the mountains. I understand that this would be a huge inclusion in the app. It would take much more space to detail the many inland bodies of water and the freshwater species. The fact of the matter is if you make an app called Pro Angler it’s tough for you to understand why it only features saltwater species. I would have preferred the name to be Pro Saltwater Angler.
Θ Info about Freshwater Species
I think the purchased features are relevant and the amount of information that you get in the free app is outrageous. Some apps tend to give you nothing in the free version only to tempt you will the purchase but Pro Angler app doesn’t do that.
Pro Angler app would be near perfection if it offered a small bit of information about freshwater species. I cannot help but get caught up on the name of the app and the fact that it leaves out mainland fishing altogether. In the future, I think it would the creator good to produce a similar app for the freshwater fishing crowd or include some information and locations about freshwater fishing or even brackish water fishing local to the area.

My Final Take
♦ You are looking at an application that has been thought out by fishermen. There are apps that are put together quickly and easily to get them to market and start making money. Pro Angler app has stunning photography and details within that app that make a truly great experience. There are offers to fishermen and graphics that fit in just the right places.
These details would be for nothing if it weren’t for the incredible amounts of information and knowledge that are tied into this Pro Angler app. The idea that you are one button press away from any saltwater fishing region in the nation is incredible. By selecting a state and then a region you will be inundated with everything you need to know to fish that area, even where to drop your boat in!